The 4 Pillars That Transform Exercise from a Chore to a Lifestyle


Health, wellness, and body positivity. It's time to love our bodies.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps

Self-care. It is one of the most important elements of a healthy relationship with our bodies, minds, and spirits, yet it can also be one of the most difficult practices to implement in our busy lifestyles. It can be easy to forget about ourselves as we daily care for our jobs, families, and communities, maybe watch a show before bed, then repeat the cycle. We may add exercise into the mix every once in a while and we eat our fruits and veggies but that does not necessarily mean we are practicing self care. Self-care is more than checking off our health and wellness boxes. Self-care is an intentional experience you give to yourself in order to rejuvenate and reconnect with the peace, joy, and happiness that is inside of you. 

A tangible way to practice self-care is to create a regular care treatment that you can do at home on a consistent basis. Creating your own at-home spa inspired experience is a simple way to de-stress from a busy lifestyle and an active mind. A spa experience is not the only way to practice self care but it is a helpful way to turn off distractions and be fully present for yourself.

Jump-start your self-care practice with these 5 simple steps.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps

Keep it simple

You don’t have to go all out on expensive products, you don’t have to tune out for multiple hours, just do something that makes you feel good and provides a dose of care for your body, mind, and spirit. Maybe all you need is a 15 minute mask and your favorite tea to make you feel refreshed, or maybe your favorite way to relax is to take a bath. Keep it simple so there is no temptation to skip out on the time you set aside for yourself.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps

Be consistent

Pick a time and day for your self-care practice that you can commit to on a consistent basis. When it comes to creating positive momentum, consistency is key. Be honest with yourself about your schedule and time commitments and commit to what you know you can do consistently. Remember, you are worth your time. If you have just 10 minutes once a week you can commit to, put it on your calendar and show up for yourself.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps


Surround yourself with your favorite self-care accessories. This may be your plushest bathrobe,  your favorite candle, or a special music album. Recognizing what brings you joy is a significant part of a self-care practice as it grows appreciation for even the smallest and simplest ways we experience happiness and well-being.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps

Meditative music

Listen to meditative music. Music is its very own language and speaks to our bodies and minds in ways that we may not even notice. Listening to meditative music and sounds is a simple way to help yourself relax and to set a peaceful tone for your self-care practice. Spotify and other music platforms have ready-made meditative playlists and albums available for easy accessibility.

Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps

Say yes to you

Say Yes to You. As you create your self-care practice remind yourself that you are saying yes to you. You’re saying yes to furthering your body’s wellness, you’re saying yes to improving your mental health, and you are saying yes to your own worthiness. Connect with your body, mind, and spirit and allow yourself the space to be present. 


Creating a Self-Care Practice in 5 Simple Steps
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