Categories: ExpressionsYour Style

Expressions: Shauna Robertson

Expressions: showcasing women and men who express their inner self through their style.

Can you tell us your name and what you do, and something you love about what you do?

My name is Shauna and I’m a mother to three sons, grandma to seven beautiful little people, and a Style Influencer. I LOVE being able to help women feel more confident and beautiful, and showing them that they CAN! I believe if you want to be something different than what you are, YOU CAN BE THAT PERSON.

What do you love about your style?

I love that my style is different than the average 58 year old woman. I may push the boundaries a bit more than most, but I’m not afraid to and don’t do anything outside of my confidence level. If you have confidence, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

Why did you pick the outfit you are wearing in this photo shoot?

I picked my outfit because it’s easy, comfy, not fussy, but still spectacular! AND…it went well with my pink hair! I loved the simple tee shirt…but it’s metallic and fabulous! The slouchy pants are so easy and comfortable, and SO easily styled another way. Whenever I buy something I make sure I can wear it at least three ways. Both of these pieces can be worn multiple ways!

How does this outfit represent you?

It represents me in the same reasons I chose it. I love fun clothes, but am not into a tremendous amount of accessories or fuss. I like to be able to look dressed up without too much trouble! If it takes me more than 45 minutes to get ready…it makes me crazy! Maybe this is why I don’t have LONG hair?!

What is your favorite part of getting dressed in the morning?

My favorite part of getting dressed each day is the challenge of making myself look as good as I can! I love thinking about what I’m going to wear on any given day. Even if I’m just in front of my computer working, I really do think about what oversized sweater and joggers I’ll put on! And…I never am without some pretty lipgloss!

What advice could you give to someone who wants to express themselves more through their fashion?

I would tell someone who wants to express themselves more through fashion to just do it little bits at a time. Doing too much at once won’t look right, especially if you are older. You never want to look like you’re trying too hard, not ever! Even if it’s just a scarf tied in your hair, or a fun pair of earrings, or some punchy bright lipstick! I think that any of these can put an exclamation point on your look!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would just say to all the women out there (and have to include the men as well) that if you’re feeling down or not good enough…find a way to do something different. Either in the way you put yourself together in the morning, or what you do during your day. Changing things up can be refreshing and give you a boost. It can make everything seem so new and alive again! Believe me I know, when I say that life can be so discouraging at times and so hard! But I’m one that won’t ever give up! I have fought through many difficult things, I have kept pushing and moving forward…trying to be better than the day before. It isn’t easy, BUT IT’S WORTH IT! Chic Over 50 has given me a voice, one that I never dreamed of having. It’s a thrill for me to get emails and messages from people all throughout the world, telling me that I was the one who inspired them and helped them out of their rut! That’s pretty fabulous I think. And if I can help just one person, or two, or many…then I am the one that’s BLESSED! XO


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  • THANK YOU for the shoutout!!!! You are SO GOOD at what you do!! XOXO

  • Shauna, you ARE truly an inspiration!

    One of my favorite sayings:

    As I live each day may I do my part,
    To make one difference, to touch one heart.
    And through each day may it be my goal,
    To encourage one mind, and inspire one soul.

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